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Albert Schweitzer Foundation

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The Albert Schweitzer Foundation (ASF) is a German nonprofit that works to improve farmed animal welfare standards through litigation, corporate outreach, and corporate campaigns.


ASF was founded in 2000 (Albert Schweitzer Foundation 2018), with Albert Schweitzer's fundamental maxim of "reverence for life" as their guiding philosophy and a focus on «the single greatest source of pain and death for animals: the use of animals and animal products as a food source.» (Albert Schweitzer Foundation 2021)


Animal Charity Evaluators rates ASF a "top charity"—one of the four organizations awarded their highest rating. ACE considers ASF «an excellent giving opportunity because of their strong, impactful programs and their strategic approach to improving welfare standards for farmed animals.» (Animal Charity Evaluators 2020) ASF is also recommended by Founders Pledge as «one of the most cost-effective animal advocacy organisations in the world.» (Clare 2020)


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