Cooperative AI Foundation

CAIF was established with a $15 million grant from the Center for Emerging Risk Research (now Polaris Ventures).[2]  It plans to use this endowment to make grants and scholarships, organize workshops and seminar series, and engage in other activities that contribute to its mission.[3]

The Cooperative AI Foundation (CAIF) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to support research with the potential to "improve the cooperative intelligence of advanced AI systems for the benefit of all of humanity."[1]

  1. ^

    Cooperative AI Foundation (2021) ActivitiesFoundation, Cooperative AI Foundation.

  2. ^

    Center for Emerging Risk Research (2021) Commitment to fund the Cooperative AI Foundation, Center for Emerging Risk Research. 

  3. ^

    Dafoe, Allan et al. (2021) Cooperative AI: Machines must learn to find common ground, Nature, May 4.

The Cooperative AI Foundation (CAIF) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to support research with the potential to "improve the cooperative intelligence of advanced AI systems for the benefit of all of humanity." (Cooperative AI Foundation 2021)[1]

CAIF was established with a $15 million grant from the Center for Emerging Risk Research (Center for Emerging Risk Research 2021).[2]  It plans to use this endowment to make grants and scholarships, organize workshops and seminar series, and engage in other activities that contribute to its mission (Dafoe et al. 2021).


Center for Emerging Risk Research (2021) mission.Commitment to fund the Cooperative AI Foundation[3], Center for Emerging Risk Research. 

Cooperative AI Foundation (2021) Activities, Cooperative AI Foundation.

Dafoe, Allan et al. (2021) Cooperative AI: Machines must learn to find common ground, Nature, May 4.

  1. ^

    Cooperative AI Foundation (2021) Activities, Cooperative AI Foundation.

  2. ^

    Center for Emerging Risk Research (2021) Commitment to fund the Cooperative AI Foundation, Center for Emerging Risk Research. 

  3. ^

    Dafoe, Allan et al. (2021) Cooperative AI: Machines must learn to find common ground, Nature, May 4.

CAIF was established with a $15 million grant from the Center for Emerging Risk Research (Center for Emerging Risk Research 2021). It plans to use this endowment to make grants and scholarships, organize workshops and seminar series, and engage in other activities that contribute to its mission.mission (Dafoe et al. 2021).

Center for Emerging Risk Research (2021) Commitment to fund the Cooperative AI Foundation, Center for Emerging Risk Research. 

The Cooperative AI Foundation (CAIF) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to support research with the potential to "improve the cooperative intelligence of advanced AI systems for the benefit of all of humanity." (Cooperative AI Foundation 2021)

CAIF was established with a $15 million grant from the Center for Emerging Risk Research. It plans to use this endowment to make grants and scholarships, organize workshops and seminar series, and engage in other activities that contribute to its mission.


Cooperative AI Foundation (2021) Activities, Cooperative AI Foundation.

Dafoe, Allan et al. (2021) Cooperative AI: Machines must learn to find common ground, Nature, May 4.

External links

Cooperative AI Foundation. Official website.

Related entries

artificial intelligence | Center for Emerging Risk Research | moral cooperation

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