
The forum hosted discussions, by contributors such as Toby Ord, Carl Shulman, and Brian Tomasik, about many ideas that would later become a core part of effective altruism, including earning to give, wild animal welfare, the timing of philanthropy, and others. Sam Bankman-Fried was a regular visitor in the early 2010s, and credits that forum for introducing him to the effective altruism community.[1]

Two versions of the Felicifia forum existed. The original version ("Old Felicifia") was created in late 2006 to early 2007 by Seth Baum, as a group blog/forum which superseded an earlier solo blog by Baum with the same name.[2] In 2008, Ryan Carey and Sasha Cooper created a newernew version was created ("New Felificia"),[3] and Old Felicifia was abandoned shortly thereafter.[3]4]

  1. ^

    Wiblin, Robert & Keiran Harris (2022) Sam Bankman-Fried on taking a high-risk approach to crypto and doing good, 80,000 Hours, April 14.

  2. ^

    Baum, Seth (2006) New users start here, (Old) Felicifia, September 24.

  3. ^

    Anthis, Jacy Reese (2022) Some early history of effective altruism, Jacy Reese Anthis’s Website, May 15 (updated 7 June 2022).

  4. ^

    Tomasik, Brian (2018) History of Old Felicifia, Old Felicifia, December 7.

The forum hosted discussions, by contributors such asJason Gaverick Matheny, Toby Ord, Carl Shulman, and Brian Tomasik, about many ideas that would later become a core part of effective altruism, including earning to give, wild animal welfare, the timing of philanthropy, and others. Sam Bankman-Fried was a regular visitor in the early 2010s, and credits that forum for introducing him to the effective altruism community.[1]

Two versions of the Felicifia forum existed. The original version ("Old Felicifia"Felicifia") was created in late 2006 to early 2007 by Seth Baum, as a group blog/forum which superseded an earlier solo blog by Baum with the same name.[2] In 2008, a newer version was created ("New Felificia"Felificia"), and Old Felicifia was abandoned shortly thereafter.[3]

Felicifia was a utilitarianism discussion forum active between late 2006 and the mid mid-2010s.

The forum hosted discussions, by contributors such as Jason Gaverick Matheny, Toby Ord, Carl Shulman, and Brian Tomasik, about many ideas that would later become a core part of effective altruism, including earning to give, wild animal welfare, the timing of philanthropy, and others.Sam Bankman-Fried was a regular visitor in the early 2010s, and credits that forum for introducing him to the effective altruism community.[1]

Two versions of the Felicifia forum existed. The original version ("Old Felicifia") was created in late 2006 to early 2007 by Seth Baum, as a group blog/forum which superseded an earlier solo blog by Baum with the same name.[1]2] In 2008, a newer version was created ("New Felificia"), and Old Felicifia was abandoned shortly thereafter.[2]3]

  1. ^

    Wiblin, Robert & Keiran Harris (2022) Sam Bankman-Fried on taking a high-risk approach to crypto and doing good, 80,000 Hours, April 14.

  2. ^

    Baum, Seth (2006) New users start here, (Old) Felicifia, September 24.

  3. ^

    Tomasik, Brian (2018) History of Old Felicifia, Old Felicifia, December 7.

Two versions of the Felicifia forum existed. The original version ("Old Felicifia") was created in late 2006 to early 2007 by Seth Baum, as a group blog/forum which superseded an earlier solo blog by Baum with the same name (Baum 2006).name.[1] In 2008, a newer version was created ("New Felificia"), and Old Felicifia was abandoned shortly thereafter (Tomasik 2018).thereafter.[2]

BibliographyFurther reading

Baum, Seth (2006) New users start here, (Old) Felicifia, September 24.

Tomasik, Brian (2018) History of Old Felicifia, Old Felicifia, December 7.

  1. ^

    Baum, Seth (2006) New users start here, (Old) Felicifia, September 24.

  2. ^

    Tomasik, Brian (2018) History of Old Felicifia, Old Felicifia, December 7.

Two versions of the Felicifia forum existed. The original version ("Old Felicifia") was created in late 2006 to early 2007 by Seth Baum.Baum, as a group blog/forum which superseded an earlier solo blog by Baum with the same name (Baum 2006). In 2008, a newer version was created ("New Felificia"), and Old Felicifia was abandoned shortly thereafter (Tomasik 2018).

Baum, Seth (2006) New users start here, (Old) Felicifia, September 24.

Francini, Louis (2020) Complete archive of the Felicifia forum, Effective altruism forumAltruism Forum, May 30.

Tomasik, Brian (2018) History of old felicifiaOld Felicifia, Old Felicifia, December 7.

The forum hosted discussions, by contributors such as Brian TomasikJason Gaverick Matheny, Toby Ord, Carl Shulman, Toby Ordand Jason Gaverick MathenyBrian Tomasik, about many ideas that would later become a core part of effective altruism, including earning to give, wild animal welfare, the timing of philanthropy, and others.


Two versions of the Felicifia forum existed. The original version ("Old Felicifia") was created in late 2006 to early 2007 by Seth Baum. In 2008, a newer version was created ("New Felificia"), and Old Felicifia was abandoned shortly thereafter (Tomasik 2018).


Francini, Louis (2020) Complete archive of the Felicifia forum, Effective altruism forum, May 30.

Tomasik, Brian (2018) History of old felicifia, Old Felicifia, December 7.

External links

Felicifia. Complete archive of New Felicifia.

Old Felicifia. Incomplete archive of Old Felicifia.

Felicifia was a utilitarianism discussion forum active between late 2006 and the mid 2010s. The forum hosted discussions, by contributors such as Brian Tomasik, Carl Shulman, Toby Ord and Jason Gaverick Matheny, about many ideas that would later become central in the a core part of effective altruism movement,, including earning to give, wild animal welfare, the timing of philanthropy, and others.

felicifia*Felicifia was a utilitarianism discussion forum active between late 2006 and the mid 2010s. theThe forum hosted discussions, by contributors such as brian tomasikBrian Tomasik, carl shulmanCarl Shulman, toby ordToby Ord and jason gaverick mathenyJason Gaverick Matheny, about many ideas that would later become central in the effective altruism movement, including earning to give, wild animal welfare, the timing of philanthropy, and others.

Felicifiafelicifia* was a utilitarianism discussion forum active between late 2006 and the mid 2010s. Thethe forum hosted discussions, by contributors such as Brian Tomasikbrian tomasik, Carl Shulmancarl shulman, Toby Ordtoby ord and Jason Gaverick Mathenyjason gaverick matheny, about many ideas that would later become central in the effective altruism movement, including earning to give, wild animal welfare, the timing of philanthropy, and others.

Felicifia was a utilitarianism discussion forum active between late 2006 and the mid 2010s. The forum hosted discussions, by contributors such as Brian Tomasik, Carl Shulman, Toby Ord and Jason Gaverick Matheny, about many ideas that would later become central in the effective altruism movement, including earning to give, wild animal welfare, the timing of philanthropy, and others.

Created by Pablo at