Future of Humanity Institute

Post-shutdown website: Future of Humanity Institute. Official website.

Original website was Donate to the Future of Humanity Institutehttps://www.fhi.ox.ac.uk/. but it seems like there's not much still there. 

The Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) was a multidisciplinary research institute at the University of Oxford studying big picture questions for human civilization. It was founded in 2005 by Nick Bostrom, who iswas also its current Director.Director until the institute shut down in April 2024.

The Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) iswas a multidisciplinary research institute at the University of Oxford studying big picture questions for human civilization. It was founded in 2005 by Nick Bostrom, who is also its current Director.


As of July 2022, FHI has received over $20 million in grants from Open Philanthropy,[1] and nearly $250,000 the Survival and Flourishing Fund.[2]

  1. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database: Future of Humanity Institute, Open Philanthropy.

  2. ^

    Survival and Flourishing Fund (2019) SFF-2020-H2 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.

Applied to England & Wales & Windfalls ago