As of MayJuly 2022, GFI has received over $16.5 million in grants from Open Philanthropy.[4]

  1. ^

    Bowie, Richard (2016) MFA launches new sister organization, VegNews.Com, March 4.

  2. ^

    Clare, Stephen (2020) The Good Food Institute, Founders Pledge, November 3.

  3. ^

    Raising for Effective Giving (2021) Animal welfare, Raising for Effective Giving.

  4. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants databasedatabase: The Good Food Institute, Open Philanthropy.

GFI is recommended by Founders Pledge as "one of the most cost-effective animal advocacy organizations in the world."[2] GFI is also one of the two animal welfare charities recommended by Raising for Effective Giving.[3] As of MarchMay 2022, GFI has received over $16.5 million in grants from Open Philanthropy.[4]

  1. ^

    Bowie, Richard (2016) MFA launches new sister organization, VegNews.Com, March 4.

  2. ^

    Clare, Stephen (2020) The Good Food Institute, Founders Pledge, November 3.

  3. ^

    Raising for Effective Giving (2021) Animal welfare, Raising for Effective Giving.

  4. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2021)(2022) Grants database, Open Philanthropy.