Applied to Potatoes: A Critical Review ago

Karnofsky, Holden (2016) Some background on our views regarding advanced artificial intelligence, Open Philanthropy, May 6, sec.section 1.

  1. ^

    Karnofsky, Holden (2016) Some background on our views regarding advanced artificial intelligence, Open Philanthropy, May 6, sec.section 1.

Related entriesFurther reading

Karnofsky, Holden (2016) economic growth | transformativeSome background on our views regarding advanced artificial intelligence, Open Philanthropy, May 6.

  1. ^

    Muehlhauser, Luke (2017) How big a deal was the Industrial Revolution?, Luke Muehlhauser’s Website.

    Related entries

    economic growth | transformative artificial intelligence

    1. ^

      Karnofsky, Holden (2016) Some background on our views regarding advanced artificial intelligence, Open Philanthropy, May 6, sec. 1.

A transformative development is a development at least as significant as the agricultural or industrial revolutions (Muehlhauser 2017).revolutions.[1]

BibliographyRelated entries

economic growth | transformative artificial intelligence

  1. ^

    Muehlhauser, Luke (2017) How big a deal was the Industrial Revolution?, Luke Muehlhauser’s Website.

    Related entries

    economic growth | transformative artificial intelligence

A Transformative technologytransformative development is technology with the potential to precipitate a major transition in human history, comparable to the transitions involved indevelopment at least as significant as the agricultural or industrial revolutions.revolutions (Muehlhauser 2017).


Muehlhauser, Luke (2017) How big a deal was the Industrial Revolution?, Luke Muehlhauser’s Website.

Transformative technology is technology with the potential to precipitate a major transition in human history, comparable to the transitions involved in the agricultural or industrial revolutions.

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