Waitlist Zero


As of July 2022, Waitlist Zero has received $250,$700,000 in fundinggrants from Open Philanthropy,.[1][2] plus a $100,000 exit grant.[3]

  1. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2014) Grants database: Waitlist Zero — Planning grant, Open Philanthropy, September. 

  2. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2015) WaitList Zero — General support, Open Philanthropy, August.

  3. ^

     Open Philanthropy (2018) WaitList Zero — General support (January 2018), Open Philanthropy, January.

Waitlist Zero has received $250,00000 in funding from Open Philanthropy,[1][2] plus a $100,000 exit grant.[3]

Waitlist Zero has received $250,00 in funding from Open Philanthropy, [1][2] plus a $100,000 exit grant.[3]

Berger, Alexander (2016) A conversation with Josh Morrison, Open Philanthropy, April 25.

Berger, Alexander (2017) A conversation with Josh Morrison, Open Philanthropy, August 25.

Berger, Alexander & Nicole Ross (2016) A conversation with Josh Morrison, Open Philanthropy, October 20.

Waitlist Zero is an advocacy group dedicated to promoting living kidney transplantation.


Waitlist Zero has received $250,00 in funding from Open Philanthropy[1][2] plus a $100,000 exit grant.[3]

Further reading

Berger, Alexander (2015) A conversation with Josh Morrison, Open Philanthropy, September 15.

Berger, Alexander (2016) A conversation with Josh Morrison, Open Philanthropy, February 5.

External links

Waitlist Zero. Official website.

Related entries

kidney donation

  1. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2014) Waitlist Zero — Planning grant, Open Philanthropy, September. 

  2. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2015) WaitList Zero — General support, Open Philanthropy, August.

  3. ^

     Open Philanthropy (2018) WaitList Zero — General support (January 2018), Open Philanthropy, January.

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