My name is Harrison (Harry) Koos. I am a 3rd-year PhD candidate in Health Policy with a focus in Health Economics at Stanford University. At a high level, my academic interests include health, competition, and innovation economics. More specifically, my research focuses on hospital pricing, the use of telemedicine, and pandemic preparedness. You can learn more about me and my work by visiting my LinkedIn or personal website, both linked below.
As someone who did an industrial engineering undegrad and MS in management science I could not agree more with how conducive OR is to EA in general! I do want to pitch Stanford's MS in Management Science & Engineering program, which I recently completed, because I think it would be a great opportunity for some EAs who want to get a more technical graduate degree, dive deeper into a focus area, and plug in to the bay area EA and tech communities. They have concentrations that coincide with a lot of EA cause areas and paths, such as Financial Analytics (for earning-to-give), Technology and Engineering Management, Computational Social Science, Decision Analysis and Risk Analysis, and Health Systems Modeling. It's also a relatively short program (45 quarter units, 1-1.5 years) and allows you to take courses across many departments, like CS and economics.
Thanks! It will be interesting to see what changes they try to make to these institutions and how open to criticism they will be.