
Director @ KG Executive Coaching Ltd
358 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)


My mission is to help women working on pressing global problems to make their greatest contributions to the world AND flourish.

I was previously a manager at the Centre for Effective Altruism and prior to that built communities for brands like Google, Pinterest and Nike. 

More info: https://www.katieglass.com

How others can help me

I'm particularly excited to coach talented, ambitious women to help increase their individual impact and improve the diversity of the EA community. If you know someone who might benefit from my coaching, please send them my details! 


Great video, it was really fun and inspiring to watch! 

Hi Ezra, thank you for writing this. I'm really sorry to hear about how the war has both directly and indirectly impacted you, your family and your community. May there be peace soon.

Thanks for this post! Re: 'Empowering women in EA' - I am a coach and currently 80% of my clients are women in EA. I'm particularly excited to work with women who are already working (or want to work) on important problems in the world & who suspect that coaching might help them be more successful. More info here

Thanks for writing, I really enjoyed reading this and it makes me feel happy that you found the EA Student Summit so valuable! :) 

Thanks for sharing this write-up, I really enjoyed reading it! It sounds like you've made really solid progress for a new group, and seem focused on the right priorities, especially helping your members to learn more and become more engaged. You mentioned that there's a chance that you might decrease the amount of time you spend on community building in the future; I'm curious whether you have identified any successors who might take on some of your work? I've noticed that succession planning is plausibly one of the most important things group organisers can do, as it ensures the continuation of their group going forward.

Manuel, I agree that a European-based EAGx should service the needs of unsuccessful applicants for EAG London, seeing as a number of attendees travel from elsewhere in Europe for the conference anyway.

Regarding your question about applications, EAGx conferences don't have an application process (to ensure that they are accessible to all). However, the last European EAGx conference sold out ahead of time, suggesting that we may want to consider at increasing capacity in 2020 or increasing the number of EAGx events in the region in the future.

Yes, we do want to consider this for the future. For new EAGx locations in 2020, we have planned to prioritise locations that don't currently have access to either EAG or EAGx at all. That said, we'll certainly consider applications from excellent organising teams in any location!

I do think it would be less likely that we'd fund an EAGx in the Bay or London for 2020, compared to other locations right now, but applying now or getting in touch now may still be helpful as we consider future locations.