So-Low Growth

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Re-read this again just now and truly is a tremendous piece!

Great post! I'm in touch with a researcher who's working on an academic project in the UK who would like to have a quick chat with any of the folks in the team. Just sent a message on the RP site, but if you're happy to be put in touch, feel free to DM or comment here.

The second/third link are dead. Would you mind re-posting it please?

Isn't there a strong motivation for following-up with a conference introducing these professors to EA?

Fwiw, I have a set of slides by a very high profile growth economist (top 10 in the world in terms of citations in growth) on why this paper may be incorrect. They have a theoretical model with testable empirical implications.

If anyone is interested in collaborating on this, I'd be potentially interested in having early chats.

Ah frustrating! I'm surprised Tyler didn't say yes, given your previous blog posts. 

Random thought - maybe it's worth applying to EAF/LTFF for replicating EA specific papers?

Michael, I love your work (blog). Other than FTX, have you tried other avenues for funding this?

These are great Gavin.

It's been a while since I worked on global development issues (largely focusing on NTDs back in 2014/15) but did Farmer not also help popularise the biosocial approach (which I thought had a large impact) ? No mention of 'biosocial' on the wiki page though.

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