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This Friday, Probably Good is hosting a virtual conversation and Q&A with Alec Stapp, co-founder of the Institute for Progress (IFP). This event is part of a series of “career conversations” designed to give our readers and advisees a chance to interact with and learn from experts across high impact career paths. 

Event Details:

  • Topic: Impactful Careers in US Policy
  • Date & Time: Feb 23 at 3 pm ET 
  • Guest Speaker: Alec Stapp, Institute for Progress
  • RSVP here (Don’t forget to add the event to calendar after you RSVP) 
  • Zoom Link

About the webinar 

In the first half, we'll engage Alec with prepared questions around IFP’s founding story, the paradox of tractability in DC and career advice for different functional paths within the policy world. 

The second half of the webinar will be audience Q&A, and people with questions can ask Alec their questions directly. If you wish to submit questions anonymously, please do so using the RSVP form. 

Alec’s Biography 

Alec Stapp is the co-founder and co-CEO of the Institute for Progress.

Previously, Alec was the director of technology policy at the Progressive Policy Institute, a research fellow at the International Center for Law and Economics, a technology policy fellow at the Niskanen Center, and a graduate research fellow at the Mercatus Center.

Alec's work has been published in the Washington Post, The Atlantic, MIT Technology Review, and Politico. He has also been cited in numerous publications including the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and the New York Times. He received his master’s degree in economics from George Mason University and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Arizona.





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Will this be recorded?

Yes, this will be recorded. If you'd like access to the recording after the session, reach out to Vaish at vaishnav@probablygood.org. 

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