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I wrote up a quick FAQ on what the application process is like for Tyler Cowen's Emergent Ventures program. Generally I think more EAs should apply to EV, it's low-cost and a good way to get some money to get a project off the ground, and also a good signal of ability for young EAs.

If you happened to have read this piece, do you think it's substantive/useful enough for me to post on EA Forum proper (with a few edits) or is it more suitable as a shortform? 

I read it, and I think it's worth it to post on the EA forum. FWIW, it convinced me to apply.

(also, I'm a big fan of your blog! highlight of the day is when i get the notification from substack that says you posted!)

Thanks so much, awesome that you decided to apply and I’m so happy you enjoy the blog!

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