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Hiya! Wondering if anyone wanted to donation swap with me for 2024?
I'm looking to donate around AUD 5,500 each to the Good Food Institute, Giving What We Can, and Family Empowerment Media. I think these are all tax-deductible in the US, UK, and the Netherlands, but sadly not in Australia (update: GWWC is tax-deductible in Australia via EA Australia, also there's currently a funding match for donations made before Jan 31st)

If anyone is planning on making a (roughly) similarly sized donation (GBP 2,900, USD 3,700, EUR 3,300) across 2024 (in one donation or split into months or quarters), to a charity that is tax-deductible in Australia please reach out!!!

Thanks a bunch,

This went excellently and I've organised my swap! Thanks all

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