There are many reasons why not enough people are praying to God. Some people may not believe in God, or they may not think that prayer is effective. Others may be too busy or distracted to pray. Additionally, some people may feel that they do not need to pray because they are not religious.

However, despite all of these reasons, God is still worth our time and attention. He is the creator of the universe and the one who sustains us every day. He is a God of love, mercy, and grace, and He desires to have a relationship with us. He is worth our time, our energy, and our resources, and He is worth fighting for.

God is all-powerful and all-knowing, so He is able to help us in ways that we cannot even imagine. God is loving and compassionate, and He wants to help us in our time of need. When we turn to God for help, we are acknowledging our dependence on Him and His power, which is a good thing. When we ask God for help, we are opening ourselves up to His guidance and wisdom, which can help us in ways that we never would have thought of on our own.

This proves that we should not neglect Him because He is a good God and He loves us. He wants us to be happy and to have a good life. 




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Setting aside that this content appears to have been generated by GPT-3 (...?), I find the argument extremely unconvincing as it presupposes that God exists.

Well, even if you don't believe that God exists, there are still good reasons to pray. Prayer can help us to focus our thoughts and to find peace and calm in our lives. It can also be a form of self-care, as it can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, prayer can be a form of self-reflection, as it can help us to think about our lives and our relationships with others.

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