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In an unsurprising move, the Centre for Effective Altruism will be organising and supporting conferences for the EA community all over the world in 2024, including three new EAGx locations: Copenhagen, Toronto and Austin. 

We currently have the following events scheduled:

EA Global

  • EA Global: London | (May 31–June 2) | Intercontinental London (the O2) - applications close 19 May
  • EA Global: Boston | (November 1–3) | Hynes Convention Center - applications close 20 October


  • EAGxAustin | (April 13–14) | University of Texas, Austin - applications close 31 March
  • EAGxNordics | (April 26–28) | CPH Conference, Copenhagen - applications close 7 April
  • EAGxUtrecht | (July 5–7) | Jaarbeurs, Utrecht
  • EAGxToronto | (August, provisional)
  • EAGxBerkeley | (September, provisional)
  • EAGxBerlin | (September 13–15) | Urania, Berlin
  • EAGxAustralia | (November) | Sydney

We also hope to announce an EAGxLondon for early April very soon. A university venue was tentatively booked for late March, but the venue asked to reschedule. We’re in the process of finalising a new date. We also expect to announce more events throughout the year.

Applications for EAG London, EAG Boston, EAGxNordics and EAGxAustin are open. Applications for EAGxLondon will open as soon as the date is confirmed. We expect applications for the other conferences to open approximately 3 months before the event. Please go to the event page links above to apply.

If you'd like to add EAG(x) events directly to your Google Calendar, use this link.

Some notes on these conferences:

  • EA Globals are run in-house by the CEA events team, whereas EAGx conferences are organised independently by members of the EA community with financial support and mentoring from CEA.
  • EA Global conferences have a high bar for admission and are for people who are very familiar with EA and are taking significant actions (e.g. full-time work or study) based on EA ideas.
  • Admissions for EAGx conferences are processed independently by the EAGx conference organizers. These events are primarily for those who are newer to EA and interested in getting more involved.
  • Please apply to all conferences you wish to attend once applications open — we would rather get too many applications for some conferences and recommend that applicants attend a different one than miss out on potential applicants to a conference.
  • Travel support funds for events this year are limited (though will vary by event), and we can only accommodate a small number of requests. If you do not end up receiving travel support, this is likely the result of limited funds, rather than an evaluation of your potential for impact. When planning around an event, we recommend you act under the assumption that we will not be able to grant your travel funding request (unless it has already been approved). 
  • Find more info on our website.

Feel free to email hello@eaglobal.org with any questions, or comment below. You can contact EAGx organisers using the format [location]@eaglobalx.org (e.g. austin@eaglobalx.org and nordics@eaglobalx.org).

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Hello forum, just checking in as the EAGxLondon team lead. A couple of things I'd like to say:

  1. As Ollie notes, we had some problems with the venue. We're hoping to have a time in early April locked in soon and will send out an announcement when we do.
  2. Why an EAGx in London? EA Globals have a high bar for admissions, but the UK has a large number of students who are newer to EA. We want to create an opportunity for them to attend an EA event this year and EAGx will be much more accessible for them.

Hey @jwpieters - is there any update on this? It's looking like beginning of April is cutting it a bit fine at the moment. I was wondering if the UK EAGx is likely to be pushed back this year, or maybe not even happen?

Yes, unfortunately, the EAGxLondon team couldn't secure a date in early April. The university venue we were working with initially said that they had dates available in April but, frustratingly, this turned out not to be the case and the team didn't have enough time to find an alternative. We're exploring other options, including an event later this year.

[comment deleted]1

FYI the EAG Boston link currently goes to the 2023 event

Thank you! Fixed. I had forgotten what year we're in.

Are there any updates on the EAGxs that were to be set somewhere in Africa and India? I have a bit of context on the latter but little on the former.

Will there be another elsewhere in Asia, similar to EAGxPhilippines?

Hi Kyle, I'm either working or will soon be working to make all of these events happen in the second half of this year. We don't have teams or specific locations confirmed for any yet.

If anyone here is excited to help make these events happen, please reach out to me on ollie@eaglobal.org !


EAGx comes to Toronto?! LFG!!!!!

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