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  • The list is designed as a longlist that can act as a starting point for folks looking to dive deeper into this topic and various sub-topics - it is not a snapshot of the 3 most important readings per topic area
  • The entire list is broken down into key themes
    • Domestic AI Governance
    • International AI Governance
    • Key actors and their views on AI risks
    • AI Inputs
    • Resources to follow
  • We have added in commentary where we felt it would be useful to do so (e.g., we were made aware of potential factual inaccuracies or biased views)
  • Within sections, sources are arranged roughly in order of relevance, not chronology. Sources earlier in a section are more foundational, while later ones are either primary sources that require more context to analyze or older reports/analysis. Sometimes we put related readings next to each other.

Ways to get involved

  • Feel free to suggest additional readings using this form - we’re doing some amount of vetting to prevent the list from ballooning out of control
  • Join the China & Global Priorities Group if you want to be notified about further discussion groups organized 

Caveats around sources and structures 

  • Epistemic status: 
    • This resource list was put together in a voluntary capacity by a group of non-Chinese folks with backgrounds in China Studies and professional work experience on China- and/or AI-related issues. 
    • We spent several hours on resource collection and sense-checked items based on their style, content and methodology. We do not necessarily endorse all of these works as “very good,” but did exclude stuff where we could see that it is obviously low quality.
    • There are many sub-topics where we struggled to find very high-quality material but we still included some publications to give interested readers a start. 
  • We expect that most of our audience will not be able to read Chinese easily or fluently, and as such we have provided many English sources. However, it’s important to remember that gaining a deep and concrete understanding of this space is really hard even with Chinese language skills and lived experience in China, so readers without those skills and experiences should be cautious about forming very strong views based on the select few sources that are included here.
  • Machine translation is useful but imperfect in many ways. 
  • China is not a monolith; sources you read that claim that ‘China does X’ should be treated with caution. Different actors within China have different aims and while it’s true that the party-state has immense power, even the party-state itself is not one thing, but a collection of various entities and of people with their own specific desires and plans.
  • If you are looking to do further research in this space, then treat this list as a starting point for further exploration.
  • For further reading on methodological considerations of doing analysis related to China, you can start with a look at the following links:


We would like to thank Oliver Guest, Jason Zhou, and Jeffrey Ding for their feedback on earlier drafts of this list. We would also like to acknowledge Aris Richardson and Zach Stein-Perlman, whose reading lists we took inspiration from. 

Compiled by (in no particular order): Gabriel WagnerSaad Siddiqui, Sarah G, and Sarah Weiler

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Sinocism is like Zvi's blog, except for China Watchers instead of AI safety. It leans a little towards open source, but it's free and the guy knows the space (though doesn't know everything).

Thanks for mentioning this! I definitely agree that Sinocism is an interesting newsletter to follow if one wants to stay up-to-date on China-related events (from a US perspective). I think it falls outside of what we are considering for this list, since Sinocism only occasionally mentions tech- or AI-related issues and rarely discusses them in-depth (afaik). But I will add this to the list of "potential items to include", which we (the authors of this list) will discuss at regular, but quite spaced-out, intervals (tentative plan, subject to revision if more updates seem needed: annual or maybe semi-annual).


This looks fantastic, thanks for putting it together!

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