I just wanted to make a quick post plugging Giving What We Can's MyGiving tool.

It is a great page that lets you track where you are giving, and helps you track your giving over time. It is a great way to stay motivated to give, no matter how much you are giving!

It takes less than 5 minutes to set up and can really help track your giving habits.


If you want to know more, you can check out the page here:



Happy Giving! 




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...and if you want to make your giving public (for familiar influence and motivation reasons) there's the EA Donation Registry.

A good point- making your giving public is a really great way for getting other people involved!

If you want to make your MyGiving page public, you can find a link to do so under the 'edit' tab.

If you want to check out my giving history, feel free to look at the link here:


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