Guys, I'm Ukrainian and I want to help my country's defenses, got a network of people abroad that want to donate funds, but I don't know where best to direct them to, which cause: military equipment / medicine / other. I'm reaching out to our local funds but they're overloaded rn so might take a while to respond.
Does anyone have experience with the efficiency of donations in the times of war?
Can you point me to the right people / literature?
Thank you!

I wonder about the issue of how cost-(in)effective current interventions really are - it's true, that current interventions in the war zone can seem cost-ineffective in terms of immediate help to affected populations, however there is one larger game at play - Russian Federation's (and Belarussian) aggression against Ukraine effectively demolished the current peacekeeping balance in Europe and across the world, and it seems that responding to worldwide defence challenges in case of Russian victory can be much more costly and time/attention consuming, than in case of Ukrainian victory, see a possible analysis here:
Therefore, it seems to me (curious to hear your thoughts), that supporting Ukraine's defence/humanitarian response, even if seems less cost effective at the face value than other possible EA actions, can actually save a lot of money/time/attention in the long-term perspective (not sure how to quantify how it exactly measures up to other existential risks etc., but my first reaction is that with new Cold War going on in case of Russian victory, responding globally to any other existential risks will be much more complex and difficult - however, how one's indivitual contribution/donation plays into all of this is one tricky question).
Here's a recent announcement from MSF concerning their operations in Ukraine:
... (read more)thank you @dpiepgrass! the point about spreading out instead of focusing money on the same orgs makes a lot of sense, I've made my company do just that and I'm spreading out my money as well.
another thing I hope I can help my people with is spreading information and generating as much support from other countries as possible