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Tried looking but can't find these. Not feeling well right now so that might have contributed to my lack of findings. Ran out of Qualy memes so please throw anything at me. Help please, thank you very much. 




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I'm sorry to hear that you're stressed and anxious about AI. You're certainly not alone here, and what you're feeling is absolutely valid.

More generally, I'd suggest checking out resources from the Mental Health Navigator service. Some of them might be helpful for coping with these feelings.

More specifically, maybe I can offer a take on this events that's potentially worth considering. One off-the-cuff reaction I've had to Bing's weird, aggressive replies is that they might be good for raising awareness and making the concerns about AI risk much more salient. I'm far more scared about worlds where systems' bad behaviour is hidden until things get really bad, such that the world is lulled into a false sense of complacency up until that point. Having a very prominent system exhibit odd behaviour could be helpful for galvanising action.

Thanks, Julian.  I hope so. I truly hope so. 

I was about to link this when I found it through Julian's link but I'm glad you did already.

I would recommend not reading about this topic anymore even if it is interesting unless you’re working in AI research. I think it can be upsetting and so keeping it out of your mind can help reduce these feelings. I would treat avoiding the topic seriously.

Thanks for the suggestion. I already do actually but sometimes like now, it just springs up on you and it's like watching a disaster happen and it's so hard to look away.

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