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As you might know, next week is Animal Welfare vs Global Health Debate Week

We'll be discussing the debate statement: “It would be better to spend an extra $100m on animal welfare than on global health”.

This is a thread for commenting the posts you'd like someone to write next week. 

What information would change your mind? What arguments do you suspect someone believes, but you've never heard someone advocate for? What research do you want to hear summarised? 

If you are reading these answers, and see an idea you'd like to write about, perhaps respond to the comment for some accountability!




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I'd love to see some analysis of the current cost-effectiveness of corporate campaigns. I've seen some takes on the Forum (for example here) that raise concerns about corporate campaigns, but I haven't seen a substantive investigation. Depending on how it goes, it might change my vote next week. 

This might seem obvious, but I'd love someone to write about the most promising global health interventions. Specifically, I don't know what kind of things we could achieve with $100m which would be better than just $100m to GiveWell's top charities. (For example, maybe some of these technologies could be created for $100m). 

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