A list of writings regarding cross-cultural interactions in EA

I investigated aspects of cross-cultural interactions (CCIs) in the EA community, and wrote some of my findings here.

Edit: I wanted to publish a summary and a how-to-read list but I've hit the post limit of the forum. So I'm copy-pasting them here temporarily (?):

1. Evidence of Poor Cross-Cultural Interactions in the EA community

In this project, I investigated non-Western EAs’ perception of CCIs they had with Westerners, specifically:

  1. How often non-Westerners experienced CCI issues;
  2. What kinds of subtle acts of exclusion (SAEs) they had experienced;
  3. How their CCIs compare between EA and non-EA settings.

I collected an array of evidence from seven sources (e.g., personal anecdotes from interviews and a focus group, and some statistics from three surveys not done by me). And based on the evidence on CCIs I have collected so far, I believe that poor CCIs are likely to be a common but minor problem for most non-westerners in the EA community.

If you’re interested to read some vignettes shared by non-Western EAs, you can find them here and here.

2. Subtle Acts of Exclusion <> Microaggression and Internalised Racism

In this piece of writing, my aim is to help readers have a better understanding of MIR (which in my other writings I refer to as SAE), and to do that, I’ve listed down different types and examples of MIR. And given the fact that MIRs are easily misinterpreted, I’ve listed down some non-examples below too. 

3. Some low-confidence takes about cross-cultural interactions between Western EAs and non-Western EAs

It’s hard to know what is the right solution to combat the experiences and examples in the above writings. But for a select few, I have some higher-than-the-average-but-still-low-confidence takes on how to improve cross-cultural interactions.