
19 karmaJoined


I'm very excited to see a new team to lead the next EAGx in India. As co-lead of the previous iteration, for any potential applicants, I'd like to share some bits from my experience. I think the most rewarding bit of the entire organising experience is the opportunity to enable and catalyse a young nascent community towards action, and explore the potential of all the things it can lead to. On a personal level, I got to work with amazing people (including CEA's events team, especially @Ollie Base) and all of us stood by each other through some tough times, I got to experience what it's like to take hard decisions when stakes are high, the rush and simultaneously the feeling of months of effort unfolding before your eyes. It's a lovely feeling :)

Hi Martyna. The problem you mentioned resonates a lot! There are some great initiatives I could see in the comments as well, which is good since it shows people in EA do recognize this as a problem. If I may suggest, you might also want to take a look at Inflection Point as well. It's a project to help people resolve the bottlenecks they are facing in trying to move into more high-impact careers. I'm also a part of the team and we've talked to 50+ participants already ranging from ages 20-50, with background in Engineering, Media, Consulting, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Machine Learning, Animal Welfare, Global conflict studies (China-US in particular) etc. The bottlenecks that have come across the most for the people we've talked to so far have been:

  • Access to collaborators
  • Funding
  • Mentorship
  • Lack of understanding on problem area

We're working on helping our participants with these aspects by acting like a personalized concierge service, atleast for our pilot. We are currently alpha testing the service, and are looking for people at professional inflection points who want to work on something value-aligned, but are having trouble finding a project or people to work on that project with. If you're interested, please fill in this form (takes less than 5 minutes): https://forms.gle/9hoS9v6NkQwXnLso9 or you can also email joininflectionpoint@gmail.com !

Hi! I'm Pratik, a CS graduate student at Georgia Tech. I'm interested in a project to help creators collaborate to raise awareness on global issues and learn from each other through feedbacks and mentorship. Can you please add me to the slack channel. Would really appreciate it. My email: pratikagarwal2203@gmail.com