Alex Savard 🔸

Designer & Communicator
455 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)New York, NY, USA


I help EA organizations with design and storytelling.

Previously the Director of Design at Giving What We Can. Clients include: 80,000 Hours, Longview Philanthropy, GovAI.

If you're interested in working together, drop me a line at


Would love that! 

I could imagine creating some sort of collaborative repository for these types of visuals with some ability to sort by topic or concept. Great idea 🙏 Perhaps @Agnes Stenlund would also have contributions?

All created in Figma!

Really can't recommend Figma enough as a design tool—free & quite easy to use. Canva may be a better option for really simple stuff (especially simple motion/video) but I recommend Figma for everything else :)

Cool to see EA orgs investing in digital tools :)

Should be great for fundraising but even better for advocacy and spreading awareness 🔸

Love to see this type of collaboration ❤️💚

Hey Martyna, I am also a mid-stage career UXD earning to give and volunteering my UX skills for EA causes (currently operating as Giving What We Can's Director of Design while working at Lyft in NYC)

If you ever want to connect about UX or EA (or combining the two) I would love to chat :)

I'm late to the game here but would love to join the Slack channel!

Alex Savard, NYC-based UX Designer & Design Director at GWWC