
21 karmaJoined


This looks brilliant Michelle!

So pleased with the growth of the group and everything looks so professional.

Just donated £100 (a decent chunk of my donations as a student)

I can think of many things I no longer do but I'm not sure that's a direct result of my EA involvement. I'm a busy person, so activities that offered a small benefit naturally gave way either to more productive things, or things that offered a bigger benefit.

I think I probably drink (and therefore spend less on) alcohol. I only watch a few selected TV shows and don't re-watch old episodes. I spend less time at the gym but more outdoors cycling with my boyfriend (kills multiple birds with one stone).

I think as we age our priorities naturally shift and our activities naturally change. Nothing in my personal life has changed ONLY as a result of EA ideas.

I think a key challenge with this is how you intend to select your sample, so as to be truly representative. Getting interested students will select a certain type of participant; so will offering a payment. Could you get the University on board with distributing your survey via email to random student numbers, for example? Your results will only be powerful (and useful) if you can ensure random selection of participants.

Hi all - love this discussion :)

I'm a vegetarian and a pretty serious athlete. I have a great relationship with my GP, have been tested for several dietary insufficiencies that I now take supplements for (iron, B12, zinc) and all is swell. I'm actually a medical student and have looked into the literature on vegetarian diets and can't see any problem with them as long as those supplements are taken.

I accept ethical arguments for veganism, HOWEVER given the amount of exercise I do I'd love advice from anyone on here how to get enough protein as a vegan! Right now most of my protein comes from eggs and whey-based protein powder and I absolutely could not give these up. If someone can solve this for me you've got yourself a new vegan!

Haha thanks Michael - I have rural Australia problems :( There is actually an "ethical food" cafe that opened this year that has some delicious vege lunch items. A lot of beef is raised locally here so not supporting the local industry is pretty unpopular :/

Hi Niel - there are other people doing the trust idea :)

The aim of my group is mostly outreach - there are heaps of people interested in charity who want to give to effective Australian groups who aren't EAs as such. (This is not something I personally agree with, but a large number of people do) so there's a real need for some local guidelines.

So far I've converted 2 other people to give 10% of their incomes to effective charities. Also founded an organisation to evaluate and recommend Australian-based charities (for those that insist on tax-deductibility and/or not donating overseas).

Also, I became a vegetarian last year and I'd love to post that here, where hopefully you will all pat me on the back for what was a difficult change to begin with! Usually I just cop a lot of crap for it :(