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Thank you all for your insightful comments and feedback. They are invaluable as we navigate our integration into the Effective Altruism (EA) community.

We understand and appreciate the constructive criticism regarding our communication about the PACS Institute's work and mission. We recognize the importance of providing a clear and comprehensive description of our work, projects, and accomplishments to effectively situate ourselves within the EA community. We will be refining our messaging and providing more transparency about our work and its alignment with the principles of Effective Altruism.

Sanjay and zchuang, we acknowledge your concerns about the need for intellectual engagement and contribution to the knowledge within the community. Our aim in integrating into the EA community is not solely about securing funding but is more about contributing to the shared goal of reducing global suffering and promoting well-being. We are interested in producing content that challenges and expands upon existing EA thinking, particularly in areas related to peace and security.

One of our most recent accomplishments is the publication of a groundbreaking research paper titled "Reframing the Ontology of Peace Studies" by Anders Reagan. This paper addresses a lack of ontological clarity in peace studies and proposes a radical reframing of the field as the multidisciplinary scientific study of the optimal social conditions for the continued evolution of the trait of sentience​1​. These findings will form the basis for our advocacy work at the upcoming Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva this September.

Jason, we acknowledge your suggestion to provide clear descriptions of our accomplishments and affiliations. We understand that this information is essential for the EA community to assess our effectiveness and potential for impact. We will work on making this information more readily available.

Chris Leong, your advice on networking within the EA community and familiarizing ourselves with EA thinking and criticisms is well taken. We will certainly explore the EA Virtual Programs and the AI Governance course, and we look forward to participating in the next EA Conference.

Freedomandutility, your insights on prioritization and collaboration are valuable. We agree that focusing on conflicts with the potential for existential risk aligns well with EA principles. We will explore potential collaborations with organizations such as the Nuclear Threat Initiative.

We are excited about the prospect of contributing our expertise in peace and conflict studies to the EA community. We appreciate your patience and guidance in this process and look forward to continued engagement with all of you.