
13 karmaJoined


Thanks for sharing these David! I‘m finding them personally helpful. (It appears at least some of these groups are open to people in US as well.)

I’d be curious if there’s a person to talk to about consolidating this list from the UK site with what’s available on the community page  (https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/community#online) mentioned below.

I also notice that, of those groups mentioned on the UK site, there’s only one umbrella group for all underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, and it only has 165 members. Underrepresented populations have some things in common, but there’s a lot that they don’t, so I hope that as years go by those groups  grow and differentiate.

Thanks for this info Pete! If anyone does know of a list, or about the process by which such groups got created I would be curious.

I also strongly agree! I think this an important topic that needs to be  discussed more frequently within this community. I’m curious whether most EA participants are on the same page that the lack of demographic diversity is  harmful to  effectiveness.

 The EA events I have attended have been  much whiter (and more predominantly male) than the general population of my area, and many conversations have had an exclusive, elitist vibe to them. (This is obviously subjective but to me this manifested as people immediately asking people about their credentials, and folks initiating group conversations with narrow intellectual topics that are not inclusive.)

I enjoyed reading this post! It is well-written. I agree with the general sentiment that future prediction is increasingly difficult the longer the horizon. Though my reasons are slightly different, like you, I still remain to be convinced that humanity can do anything in the present day to reduce risk from AGI. I was looking forward to seeing other’s responses but so far this topic hasn’t gotten much attention.

I’m fairly new to EA, but I imagine this is not the first time such a topic has come up. Maybe that’s the reason nobody has responded yet? If any veterans to this forum are aware of previous iterations of similar questions and their responses, please share!