Founder of BOAS, a fast vintage fashion platform that donates 90% of profits to the most effective charities that save lives.
Our vision is to move as many of the world's trillions in profits to effective organisations through Profit for Good businesses (where charities receive most profits instead of shareholders).
BOAS' mission is save jeans and lives. Peter Singer is an investor in our business.
We're fundraising, so if you can help, send me an email at vin at boas . co
We're almost always looking for interns, so if you're interested please reach out.
Thanks, Vin
Entrepreneurship, profit for good, economics, (paid) marketing and recruitment and hiring. I can also give feedback on startup pitches and ideas.
Thanks Bella,
I agree there are certainly benefits to on-site. In recruitment scoring I give additional points for proximity, so when I have equally scoring candidates the candidate in our city would win. Usually remote wins in our model, but the proximity scoring depends on the role (e.g. someone doing physical events would almost certainly have to be on-site).
Ultimately it depends a lot on the company and the role, but thanks for explaining and I think it's good to have both remote and on-site open.
Why is on-site preferred? 58K GBP for a marketer with no prior experience could land you someone with absolutely amazing experience in a remote role. I've hired extensively both on-site and remote and in this particular scenario I would lean strongly to hiring remote to get someone with better prior work and assessments at half that budget, or get someone amazing who is not in London at that budget.
I work in this space, but I would like to see some Profit for Good (companies that donate the vast majority of profits to (effective) charities) company executives. Most of these companies don't donate in ways that EA's would call effective but that makes it more interesting imo to invite them.
With billions in market value (Bosch, Patagonia, Carl Zeiss, Newman's Own alone are worth around 10B I believe, all pledged to charity) in this space these are some of the biggest future donors and an interesting alternative to classic philanthropy. There's a bunch of smaller PFG's as well and Humanitix is a well known EA example who are quickly growing their donations and market value.
There's some critics of PFG in EA as well and I would enjoy a panel with both sides too.
Sorry I missed that point: a 20 minute video might indeed be significantly higher CPV and because it's not an ad might be favoured higher on that point too.
All in all it's hard to say. I suppose GD will have some numbers on increased traffic and increased donations versus baseline, but this will be quite hard to measure correctly even with tracking in place.
I'm not going to do this because of time constraints, but if you really want to know you can run google ads on youtube on just Beast Philantropy videos and get a CPV and you'd know the worth of that video according to advertisers (who probably have a similar target audience to beast philanthropy watchers). Question is if givedirectly's TA is the Beast Philanthropy TA. My best guess is that it's not because most donors are older, going to spend less time watching youtube videos and would watch other content than this, so you'd have to discount the CPV with whatever you think is best. If I would do it I would probably discount it with 50-75% and value this at 1-2 cents per view for givedirectly, so 200-400K worth for givedirectly.
BOAS is closing it's public investment campaign soon.
Why you might consider this as a very effective use of your money is best captured in my TEDx talk about Profit for Good. Other reasons you might want to invest:
You can invest here.
First of all, I love the idea of redirecting Zakat to the most effective charities, and regardless of the size of global Zakat, this seems neglected and a large opportunity. I do however think your estimates are off.
I refer to @Stan Pinsent for his great data, and that is basically my view on it too, but I wanted to add a couple of things to that.
Total yearly global philanthropy seems around 841 billion. 590 of which are remittances, which some don't even see as philanthropy. More than 90% of philanthropy flows from wealthy countries that are either non-muslim or where a significant part of muslims are secular and/or don't follow zakat rules.
I would put my confidence interval that Zakat is less than 350 billion USD at 90%. It seems incredibly unlikely that more than 30% of global philanthropy stems from Zakat for the reasons stated by Stan, and looking at global giving.
This is not hard data, but I've also run ad campaigns for large NGO's, and they promote more during Zakat, and I know it was driving less than 10% of yearly donations for these charities (and one of these was a popular charity for muslims).
Hi Imma, thanks!
I was concerned about the wind, but between 6AM and 1PM the wind force was 3 where when we talked it was expected to be 4. I'm very stable with 3 and getting unstable, but not impossible, at 4. I already did 175KM before the wind picked up so that was great.
The course is a loop, but it's basically two long sides with 2 relatively short sides. I had crosswind on the short sides, which is very good because crosswind is much more unstable than head or tail. One of the short sides was really well covered by trees and houses behind those trees so the wind was totally fine there. The other short side was more windy, but I proactively sped up for more balance on that side, which was doable because it was just a short bit.
Ultimately I got super lucky with the weather. It was dry, warm, not too much wind and from the right angles. The days after it was very windy and rainy here and I would not have gone so far or even managed to break the record.
I also slept relatively well before the event (where I was stressed and exhausted on thursday I was pretty good on friday) and had what cyclists call 'good legs', which you sometimes have and sometimes don't, so I feel incredibly lucky that everything came together so well on the day itself.
Great article emphasising the minor shift in capitalism needed to transform philanthropy.