Cathy Bogaart

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So exciting to see so many NEW EA conferences (Nigeria, Cape Town, Bengaluru, and Toronto). I'm on EA Canada's EAGxToronto organizing team and I see how much work it is to organize these events. Looking forward to attending my first one Aug 16-18. Then maybe I will apply for Boston's EAG in Nov! Are there any concerns about nearby conferences cannibalizing each others' potential audiences? Is there a maximum number of conferences that we think will produce the most effective outcome? I'm interested to know how CEA thinks about these things.

This is helpful for every walk of life, so it should be no surprise to me that it's also part of being an effective altruist. And yet, it's not something I thought a lot about before I read this post. As an organizer for EAGxToronto (taking place in August) I'm wondering if you think a networking workshop based on these principles (and others) would be useful? It will be my FIRST EAG/x conference, so I'm interested to know what you think.