I think the question is how much you view being vegetarian as a burden/a good deed that you are doing vs just a feature of your everyday life. For me, I don't even think about it, so I don't believe that I have the "good deed offset" issue you mentioned. But others may be different!
A second question is how much weight you give to a deontological moral system being correct - e.g. you probably wouldn't eat factory farmed humans regardless of how that might affect your other actions because that seems immoral.
A third question is what would the replacement activity for being vegetarian be? Would you realistically replace that with something as comparably high impact (e.g. - eating a serving of chicken requires ~4 hours of ~torturing the chicken to get you the food - do you think whatever you would replace that with would be worth torturing a chicken for four hours? If you aren't spending the extra time donating more to effective animal charities that seems like a high bar to clear.)
Lastly, you can avoid much of the negative impact of meat eating if you eat from places here you are highly confident in the good treatment of animals (difficult to do but possible) or just eat beef and bivalves (much easier). So if you do change I'd recommend being thoughtful about it like you would with all other decisions!
This all makes sense to me - I am fairly new but I also think that EAs already think a lot about the downsides of their actions (the pattern of "advantages of x minus disadvantages of x mean that the expected value is Y" seems pretty common, and rethink priorities portfolio builder tool (https://rethinkpriorities.org/publications/portfolio-builder-tool) also has "expected negative value" bits, and pe ple seem to care a lot about downstream ripple effects from e.g. health interventions. Are there some specific examples of EAs ignoring downsides that motivated this post?
Are there ripple effects from GHD outside of economic growth that you are thinking about? I think my initial reaction was that there seem to be very durable, reliable ways to increase economic growth which likely are much more effective than GHD. Some of my thoughts came from this here , but also direct cash transfers or even investing in the stock market would (I think) be a more reliable way to increase economic growth than GHD.
This may be out of scope of the debate week question, but I feel like if the case for GHD is (suffering reduction + flow through effects which seem to mostly be downstream of economic growth) I think the fact that there are other reliable, durable, (probably) more cost-effective interventions to achieve economic growth means that the existence of ripple effects shouldn't alter my decisionmaking, unless there is a unique ripple effect from GHD that other interventions would not capture.
I think a worldview diversification argument makes sense here - if having more humans is intrinsically valuable for non-hedonic reason, or we might be wrong and non-human animals aren't sentient, or if there is a lot of uncertainty around either the value of economic growth or the effectiveness of other interventions on economic growth I think that a case for GHD totally makes sense. Curious if you had anything in mind for a ripple effect unique to GHD that couldn't be achieved by another intervention or if you had other thoughts!
This post asks a similar question! https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/pZT9FjRehCouvrRXz/seeking-ripple-effects
I personally think that we shouldn't weigh the ripple effects too highly in our decisions - if you care about reducing short term suffering and long term expanding the moral circle, I would be skeptical that a single intervention would better accomplish both of those objectives than two separate interventions tailored to each.
This reminded me of this older post: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/omoZDu8ScNbot6kXS/beware-surprising-and-suspicious-convergence
I feel like while ripple effects from health/animal welfare interventions are certainly something to consider, I wouldn't base too much of my decision on those because there are likely other more effective methods to achieve those impacts - for example, if the case for health is reducing suffering+ ripple effects in economic/technological growth, I would suspect that doing animal interventions (for suffering) and tech/growth interventions (for tech/growth) would do a better job at achieving both outcomes than making a single intervention which you hope will solve both.
I think not adopting policies or helping people to immigrate would be a very tough sell, given (my impression, at least) of the overwhelmingly strong evidence of immigration on quality of life and economic growth - I was under the impression that the evidence was pretty strong on the "brain drain=good" side, though I could be wrong. An important part of being EA is being evidence based, and I'd need to see evidence that brain drain is actually bad on net.
This also seems very morally problematic - "US passport for me but not for thee" doesn't seem like something I would be comfortable supporting ethically without very strong evidence otherwise. Forcing someone to work and live somewhere against their will seems really bad. I wouldn't want to be plucked up, moved to a developing country, be forced to work, and told I couldn't leave, and I'd encourage people to not do that to others as well.