Vox published a great Givewell-centric guide to giving on Friday: http://www.vox.com/2014/12/22/7434741/holiday-giving-charity-donation
I'm not sure how well it matches the requested points, but I recently wrote my second blog post ever, about my decision to go to code school and earn to give.
I'd also really appreciate any feedback on it.
Regarding hierarchy; this was more of a meta-hierarchy of what projects might encompass the scope of others, etc, rather than official associations between the orgs.
I didn't intend to link every person who identifies as an EA; rather just display which major players work on what projects.
I didn't envision this as a huge project; I think even just plugging things into a mind map would be nice.
My core intention is to help visualize the "playing field" of everything EA-related, to aid with:
I would like to see a visual and possibly interactive map of all organizations and projects related to Effective Altruism, and their relationships including hierarchy, funding, room for funding, members, potential scale/scope of impact with some general metric, etc (suggest other useful attributes, and links to similar maps).
Would this project be worth the investment?
EDIT: By map I mean something like a mind map, not geographical.
Hi all! I'm David Perry, living in Durham NC. I just recently began the NC Effective Altruists meetup.
Also, this week I started an intensive code school for Ruby on Rails. I hope to eventually either work directly on software needed for EA-related causes, or Earn to Give more than I was in my previous job.
I'm not sure why I didn't receive that letter/email from Chloe, but I feel like it bears more exposure here, at least as a reply to the other posts asking where to donate.