Daniel Hnyk

283 karmaJoined Working (15+ years)Prague, Czechia


Oh, I like this, that's cool! I used squiggle in Futuresearch when trying to get "ground truth" and spreadsheets were not having it, and I used "doc recommended" approach of taking the docs and shoving that into claude's project context. This seems much better.

Hey! Just in case you missed that, there is info at the top of the post on who to contact to get it for free (dan at futuresearch dot ai)!

Hi! We currently don't have a reliable estimate of the cost, but we might include it in the future.

I am glad you are interacting here and giving your honest opinions, thanks for that, I found some of your comments helpful, even though I don't agree or resonate with some of them.

However, note that I find this interpretation as a pretty uncharitable reading.

I see a big distinction between "I want to create a space where people can talk about different and not so controversial stuff" (I believe that "polygenic screening is not racism" is a useful and important distinction) vs. telling people "you are bad and unfun for not being fine with racist talking about racism and sexism next to you".

I have seen this for a second time from you when replying to Austin (e.g. here), and I think it's worse for the discussion discourse. Take what you want from it, of course.

Agree. I will link this to the post and also to the discord space.

As you write though, if everyone is afraid too much to even open up a discussion and cooperate, it's IMHO worse on expectation.

For others - no one has invited me to the group yet. Anyway, AFAIK the Slack group is basically dead and there are no useful messages as the workspace is on a free Slack plan with its only 90 days of message retention. I am somewhat surprised and disappointed we are not able to coordinate on this better 😁...

I contacted about 20 lawyers from the OP's Lawyers reference list, but only 4 got back to me. I talked to them and think I have some relevant info, and we are going to proceed with one of them. I have talked to some other companies/non-profits that got money from FTX and are in similar positions, and I know their experience with the case. As usual, everyone is kinda afraid about sharing anything in writing or in public.

If you are a person who's interested in this or need help or how to even start or what the current state-of-anecdotal-info is, I am happy to share whatever I know at that time.

Thanks a lot! Could I get an invite or join? I hope I can contribute, as it became a thing for one of our org.

I actually wrote to Chana already, but she responded that she doesn't manage the group and doesn't know who does nor what the group's rules are. Seems hard to get in.

Cool tool! Thanks for doing this.

Also, I want to appreciate the focus on the user (e.g. being very cautious about adding something that is gonna complicate the usage). You have successfully resisted the temptation 😁!

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