
Software engineer @ New York State Education Department (USA)
2 karmaJoined Working (15+ years)


TLDR: Looking for part-time, freelance, and/or volunteer work to do in my spare time, probably web application development, to earn money to give to global health-related charities, or to more directly help with global health-related causes.

Availability & Type of Work:  

I have about 15-20 hours per week that I am looking to spend on something altruistic and I am available almost immediately.  By default, I plan on trying to get into freelance web application development/software development, so that I can make extra money, and donate it to particularly cost-effective charities.  I'm mainly interested in global health-related charities, because it is easier to measure and verify their cost-effectiveness than for other types of charities.  Also, I have a bachelor's degree in global health and I've spent a fair amount of time looking into global health beyond that.  So far, I have only donated to the Against Malaria Foundation.

Although I am hoping to make money this way in the long term, in the short term I would also be interested in doing volunteer web application development for an effective altruism-related organization for the purposes of building my portfolio.  I would especially be interested in doing volunteer work for a global health-related organization, and I might be interested in continuing that kind of volunteer work even after I can get paying work elsewhere.

Skills & Background:  My day job is doing web application development for the New York State Education Department and I've been doing that since February of 2016.  I also have a fair amount of experience with video game development, but I'm guessing those skills won't be in demand here.  For more information about my experience, see my resume.  If you would like to see an example of work, please look at my personal website.

Location/Remote:  I am willing to work remotely or in the area of Albany, NY, USA, where I live.  I am not willing to relocate, but I am willing to travel, if it's worth the time.

Resume:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wT3LJ88ByxMx_9P0ju-574a6MUFmdUBv/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101896664256508777134&rtpof=true&sd=true

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-hammerle-programmer/

Personal Website:  http://davehammerlecoder.hopto.org/

Email:  davehammerlecoder@gmail.com