
Student @ University
6 karmaJoined Seeking workPursuing a graduate degree (e.g. Master's)


I am 22, and already in the middle of my first career change. Yay. After taking a summer to deeply contemplate what I want to do with my life, I decided I want to do whatever is most beneficial for the advancement of humanity.

From everything I thought of, it came down to either education (enabling humans) or Artificial Intelligence (building something better than a human). I decided on AI, and am looking to build my foundations in alignment and development (previously I was focused on climate change prevention).

My main method of learning is interaction, so I joined my schools AI club, and have joined a few forums, and am reading voraciously on the latest in AI, policy, and alignment.

How others can help me

Send me things to read! Or let me ask you questions over a call. I really appreciate any sense of community on this new endeavor of mine, and don't have many people to chat with yet, especially regarding new ideas and current issues.

Also, give me unsolicited advice. I want it.

How I can help others

I can probably make you laugh. (Or proofread anything, or help on projects for free)

I just want to gain some cool experience that can help me avoid a soul sucking corporate job surrounded by drones.


The bottom line: after filling out the 80,000 hours' career plan worksheet and putting lots of time into it, section 7.1.2 recommends feedback. Send a personal message if there is any interest! Also, it would be a good idea to swap if there are any other career plan worksheets out there that need review.

The link from Aaron on the Open Thread was helpful. Thanks for pointing the way!

Would a discord server work better? This is a community platform that is easy to download and maintain. There are individual chats, group forums, and voice channels for all means of communication. With enough support, this can be set up quickly. Please upvote if this is something that sounds useful, and depending on support, there will be a link posted on this post shortly. Keep in mind this discord server could be used for all things EA, besides, connecting individuals and providing an easy place to share documents and stories. Please provide feedback!

These suggestions are all great. Would a discord server work? This is a community platform that is easy to download and maintain. There are individual chats, group forums, and voice channels for all means of communication. With enough support, this can be set up quickly. Please upvote if this is something that sounds useful, and depending on support, there will be a link posted on this post shortly. Keep in mind this discord server could be used for all things EA, besides, connecting individuals and providing an easy place to share documents and stories. Please provide feedback!

Fitting into the described criteria, is there any chance that people would enjoy going over an almost complete career planning worksheet? It is the one found on the 80,000 hours website and is almost complete.

Trying to figure out a career path.... Ahhhhh. There's a career plan worksheet, and it really needs some feedback. Please comment if giving feedback on a career plan sounds fun. Thanks!