Jacob Ayang is a dedicated veterinarian and the Global Partnerships Manager at Animal Welfare League, a non-profit organisation that advocates for the welfare of animals in Africa. Jacob constantly strives to make a significant impact through strategic partnerships and innovative approaches. He is always committed to maximizing his individual potential and continually seeks opportunities to lead and drive positive change.
Hi @TomBill, these are really great questions. Below are some details that will hopefully give you some clarity on our work
Hi Constance, I totally agree with you that the time to act is now and with regards to specific organizations, Animal Welfare League has started working on this in Ghana. We have created a cage-free farmers directory that consists of farmers who adhere to cage-free minimum welfare standards and pledged to ensure the welfare of their birds are met at all times.
We have also been up-skilling some staff in cage-free productions virtually with the Global Food Partners and hope to secure funding to take them through the physical training at the Global Food Partners Cage-free facility.
We particularly view a producer’s directory pertinent to an improved chicken welfare across Africa and with experiences from leading Open Wing Alliance’s (OWA) Africa outreach to global companies in Africa, we firmly believe that a producer’s directory with a corresponding cage-free model farm will serve as a practical demonstration farm for training producers especially transitioning cage farmers. This model farm will also be a research station that will provide context relevant layer hen welfare improvement data points to enrich the cage-free campaign in Africa
Thank you Mia