
3074 karmaJoined Pursuing a graduate degree (e.g. Master's)Working (6-15 years)Seeking work



I have work experience in HR and Operations. I read a lot, I enjoy taking online courses, and I do some yoga and some rock climbing. I enjoy learning languages, and I think that I tend to have a fairly international/cross-cultural focus or awareness in my life. I was born and raised in a monolingual household in the US, but I've lived most of my adult life outside the US, with about ten years in China, two years in Spain, and less than a year in Brazil. 

As far as EA is concerned, I'm fairly cause agnostic/cause neutral. I think that I am a little bit more influenced by virtue ethics and stoicism than the average EA, and I also occasionally find myself thinking about inclusion, diversity, and accessibility in EA. Some parts of the EA community that I've observed in-person seem not very welcoming to outsides, or somewhat gatekept. I tend to care quite a bit about how exclusionary or welcoming communities are.

I was told by a friend in EA that I should brag about how many books I read because it is impressive, but I feel  uncomfortable being boastful, so here is my clunky attempt to brag about that.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions are my own, not my employer's.

How others can help me

I'm looking for interesting and fulfilling work, so if you know of anything that you think might be a good fit for me, please do let me know.

I'm looking for a place to be my home. If you have recommendations for cities, for neighborhoods within cities, or for specific houses/communities, I'd be happy to hear your recommendations.

How I can help others

I'm happy to give advice to people who are job hunting regarding interviews and resumes, and I'm happy to give advice to people who are hiring regarding how to run a hiring round and how to filter/select best fit applicants. I would have no problem running you through a practice interview and then giving you some feedback. I might also be able to recommend books to read if you tell me what kind of book you are looking for.


How to do hiring


15-20 people sharing costs for a small EA weekend sounds really cozy. :)

Could you describe the sleeping arrangements/accommodations a little bit? Did the person who volunteered the house happen to have a large number of guest bedrooms? Did participants bring tents and sleeping bags? 

I don't have a clear answer to the question, but I want to point on the simplicity/simplification of some of the claims. (to be clear, I am not making claims here that one country/government is better than the other, or that one would be preferably to have AGI)

The idea that the Chinese government is responsible for improved prosperity of the Chinese people is somewhat true, but an alternative narrative would be that the Chinese government stopped preventing people from improving their lives, and then lots of foreign direct investment helped. There is also something to be said of "catch-up growth." Unfortunately, I have only the vaguest of understandings of the factors that influenced Chinese growth over the past few decades. I think it is also worth nothing that many of the things that the Chinese government has done for the flourishing of it's citizens are things that the US government had done previously (infrastructure, consumer protection, public universities, etc.).

The claim that a wealthy China will take care of everyone is a very strong claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Nations and governments tend to show a strong preference in favor of their own existence and their own people.

While there are plenty of things I dislike about the United States, I very much like the "liberal" aspect of liberal democracy: individual right matter, and a very strong justification is needed to violate individual rights. The USA doesn't always do this well, but I feel comfortable saying that it is less common for the US government and for government employees to violate individual rights than in China.

It is true that America's founding and expansion were based on exterminating other people. It is also true that many countries throughout history (including China) have spent military and government resources exterminating "others." It has been several decades since the USA engaged in or openly endorsed the extermination of a people. I hope that hope modern people look on those events with shame and disgust, regardless of whether they were 10 years ago or 500 years ago.

These are, of course, a very complex topic with lots of details and nuance. Plenty of full dissertations have been written on them. But to the extent possible I'd like to nudge us toward avoiding overly simplified narratives here on the EA Forum.

Thank you. Both the links to the tag on LessWrong and the dozen examples are helpful. I appreciate it.

When people write "more dakka," do they simply meaning that we need to try harder and/or try more things? I've seen this in two or three pieces of writing on the EA Forum, but I've never seen a clear explanation. Apparently "dakka" is slang from a sci-fi video game/tabletop RPG? Is this useless in-group terminology, or does this actually have value?

As best I can tell, "more dakka" is a reference to this quote. Can anyone point me to a more clear or authoritative explanation?

We know the solution. Our bullets work. We just need more. We need More (and better) (metaphorical) Dakka – rather than firing the standard number of metaphorical bullets, we need to fire more, absurdly more, whatever it takes until the enemy keels over dead.

Very interesting work! A few questions:

  • Would it be easier to convince lots of people to buy and consume chanca piedra than to convince lots of people to drink an extra liter of water each day? Any thoughts comparing the relative impact and tractability of these two paths? I’m particularly thinking of patient compliance and of the fad/popularity of large water bottles in recent years.
  • Have you spoken with a doctor or medical researcher specializing in kidney stones about this?
  • Considerations regarding the distribution of pain? Not all kidney stones result in intense pain; some result in moderate or minor pain, which can be managed with analgesics and muscle relaxers. It does make sense that accounts online tend toward the more extreme, but we don’t want to assume that these are representative of kidney stone experiences. As an analogy to cancer, The top voted and most visible posts about cancer online are never stage A1 cancers that are easily treated and cause minimal life disruption.

I’ll certainly add some chanca piedra to my digital shopping cart and consider actually buying some. I appreciate you taking all the time and effort to do this. I imagine it took a lot of effort.

I would very much like to see something like this. Being able to communicate EA ideas to people that are roughly aligned in terms of many altruistic values is useful.

Answer by Joseph17

A lot of the happiness or unhappiness that people have in jobs tends to be situationally specific. Thus, maybe if you took on a similar job at a different organization you wouldn't find it so burdensome.

With the enormous caveat that I don't know all the details about your preferences and life situation, I think that Staying in my role or org - or do a lateral switch to a similar org would be the best option. You preserve some optionality (you can always quit or switch if/when you feel that you have hit a ceiling), you are able to continue to build your career capital and your financial capital (both of which can be deployed for positive impact), there are benefits to being associated with an established organization (not just benefits/perks, but also networks, social respect, and the assessment/judgement that people make of an individual based on organizational affiliation).

If you really don't enjoy all of the coaching, delegation, and general people management that comes with your role (Your "people, ugh" comment made me laugh), then it will probably be challenging to find a senior-level role that you'd be happy with. A big part of greater authority, influence, power, and impact in organizations tends to flow through people. There are exceptions of course, but it does seems to be the most common situation. A few off the top of my head ideas:

  • Perhaps you could find some sort of subject matter expert role, where you are a senior-level technical specialist, and you don't have to do much 'people stuff.'
  • Or maybe you could hire somebody to tag-team some of these tasks with you. Many organizations have HRBPs, but you might be able to hire an executive assistant, or even to partner with someone so that you are able to offload some of the tasks that you dislike. Imagine if somebody else could handle even just 40% or 50% of the hiring, developing, promoting, off-boarding, reallocating people,  and building alignment?
  • There might also be some level of tailoring your role, if you speak to your manager and tell them that you enjoy the role overall but some parts of it are things that bring you down. Maybe your job responsibilities could be adjusted.

Unless you have a very special situation, I would lean against a career reset (from an impact-focused perspective). You might find it challenging for people to give you a junior-level role doing something that you have never done before, or something that you haven't been focused on for many years. Do you actually have the skills to be competitive as a data scientist in a tech startup (or in some other role?), or would you need to get a few years of training and then complete alongside fresh grads?

It is really hard to find a high-impact volunteer role.

I'm not able to provide much insight regarding the options you listed, but I want to make a quick note about reaching your FIRE number and potential future donations. If you decided that you need X dollars per year before you feel comfortable FIREing, see if you can have enough in investments so that you have a little more than X per year in investment income, maybe 1.1X or 1.2X. That way you would be able to generate ever-increasing donations without lowering your own quality of life.

Some previous thoughts I threw together a while back that might help a little bit: 

I'm going to draw an analogy to finance/investments. If I check the level of the stock market every day or multiple times a day, I become acutely aware of increases and decreases. I might feel a rush of adrenaline when the stock market goes up by 2%, and an overwhelming feeling of despair if it drops by 2%. But if I stop checking it frequently, I can "zoom out" and see that the broader trend is upward. It is true that there is a lot of variation on a short timeline, but over decades the trend is quite clearly upward. Like all analogies, this falls somewhat short in a variety of ways, but the idea I want to drive home is that "the news is just incredibly depressing" because we look at the short-term news. We allow ourselves to be emotionally buffeted and battered by what is happening this day or this week rather than paying attention to larger trends. If it really is vital for a job to stay up to date on the latest news, then at least try to keep some perspective: what is and isn't within your control, and this too shall pass.

One useful framing can be asking yourself if there is anything you can do to affect this, asking why you care about this particular issue, and asking if there is any purpose/outcome in focusing it. I think that people dying in a civil war in Yemen is horrible because I detest suffering in general, but I have no influence to affect that at all, and my worrying about it doesn't serve any purpose. I think that the world will be a worse place if USAID funding is reduced, but there isn't any benefit to me stressing out about that. There are a million things that I would like to see different in the world, but most of them are very much outside my scope of influence.

Thanks for sharing your list. Several of these are new to me, and look useful.

I want to second the recommendation for Everything. It is much faster and easier than the built-in search function on a Windows computer, and it also allows for a variety of parameters to the search. If I want to quickly list out all the files I have related to a particular topic, Everything is what I use. As a simple example "Documents\Docs to Read\" !pdf market|promo would search for files within the Docs to Read folder that have either market or pomo in the title (which would capture marketing and promotion), excluding and PDFs. You can even use regular expressions.

I also want to second the recommendation for Libby for free, legal access to audiobooks and digital books through public libraries.

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