
@ Ayuda Efectiva
70 karmaJoined Hamburg, Germanyayudaefectiva.org


Topic contributions

Thanks for sharing!

I picked up eight 500 CHF donation vouchers from Effektiv Spenden during the event. My plan is to hand these out during the holidays and have my family and friends help choose where the money should go by redeeming them through Effektiv Spenden's platform.

This approach is very interesting. I would love to know if it manages to spark good conversations :)

Answer by JoanMM1

Some examples: GiveDirectly, Deworming (Deworm The World, Unlimit Health…), LEEP, Teaching at the Right Level Africa. See https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/donate/organizations for more details

Edit: I missunderstood the question and replied thinking only about charities that do not save lives.

the transfer must be made to my lastly stated organisation of choice, currently The Humane League

For the impact estimation, are you taking into account how much of the donation to THL would be used specifically for corporate campaings? (since they also work on movement building, for instance)

I like the idea.

Have you tried talking to those brands and see if they would be open to moving the donations to effective causes, instead of starting a new company from scratch?

Answer by JoanMM1

Is fundraising an activity that requires a significant part of your time and mental space? How much of your time do you have to spend in such activities?

Nice! Thanks for sharing it :)

I think I caught a typo:

but I stayed quite because of worries…

Shouldn’t it be “quiet”?

Among the members who have explained their reasons for taking The Pledge, which quote did inspire you the most?

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