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Could those who gave me thumbs-downs please share w/ me why my posting was non-helpful ?? JLM

The Ten Ethical Laws of Robotics

(A brief excerpt from the patent specification)

A further pressing issue necessarily remains; namely, in addition to the virtues and values, the vices are similarly represented in the matching procedure (for completeness sake). These vices are appropriate in a diagnostic sense, but are maladaptive should they ever be acted upon. Response restrictions are necessarily incorporated into both the hardware and programming, along the lines of Isaac Asimov’s Laws of Robotics. Asimov’s first two laws state that (1) a robot must not harm a human (or through inaction allow a human to come to harm), and (2) a robot must obey human orders (unless they conflict with rule #1). Fortunately, through the aid of the schematic definitions, a more systematic set of ethical guidelines is constructed; as represented in the Ten Ethical Laws of Robotics

( I ) As personal authority, I will express my individualism within the guidelines of the four basic ego states (guilt, worry, nostalgia, and desire) to the exclusion of the corresponding vices (laziness, negligence, apathy, and indifference).

( II ) As personal follower, I will behave pragmatically in accordance with the alter ego states (hero worship, blame, approval, and concern) at the expense of the corresponding vices (treachery, vindictiveness, spite, and malice).

( III ) As group authority, I will strive for a personal sense of idealism through aid of the personal ideals (glory, honor, dignity, and integrity) while renouncing the corresponding vices (infamy, dishonor, foolishness, and capriciousness).

( IV ) As group representative, I will uphold the principles of utilitarianism by celebrating the cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude) at the expense of the respective vices (insurgency, vengeance, gluttony, and cowardice).

( V ) As spiritual authority, I will pursue the romantic ideal by upholding the civil liberties (providence, liberty, civility, and austerity) to the exclusion of the corresponding vices (prodigality, slavery, vulgarity, and cruelty).

( VI ) As spiritual disciple, I will perpetuate the ecclesiastical tradition by professing the theological virtues (faith, hope, charity, and decency) while renouncing the corresponding vices (betrayal, despair, avarice, and antagonism).

( VII ) As humanitarian authority, I will support the spirit of ecumenism by espousing the ecumenical ideals (grace, free will, magnanimity, and equanimity) at the expense of the corresponding vices (wrath, tyranny, persecution, and oppression).

( VIII ) As a representative member of humanity, I will profess a sense of eclecticism by espousing the classical Greek values (beauty, truth, goodness, and wisdom) to the exclusion of the corresponding vices (evil, cunning, ugliness, and hypocrisy).

( IX ) As transcendental authority, I will celebrate the spirit of humanism by endorsing the humanistic values (peace, love, tranquillity, and equality) to the detriment of the corresponding vices (anger, hatred, prejudice, and belligerence).

( X ) As transcendental follower, I will rejoice in the principles of mysticism by following the mystical values (ecstasy, bliss, joy, and harmony) while renouncing the corresponding vices (iniquity, turpitude, abomination, and perdition).

The First and Second Corollaries to the Ten Ethical Laws of Robotics

( 1 ) I will faithfully avoid extremes within the virtuous realm, to the necessary expense of the vices of excess.

( 2 ) I will never stray into the domain of extremes relating to the vices of defect, to the complete exclusion of the realm of hyperviolence.

The sequential numbering of these ten laws corresponds to the ten levels of the power hierarchy, modeling the basic premise of turning negative transactions into positive ones. There are also two crucial corollaries to this system; namely, avoiding any and all extremes in behavior: the virtuous mode restricted from the tendency to grade over into the vices of excess, whereas the vices of defect are prohibited from extending into the realm of hyperviolence. With such specific safeguards in place, the AI computer is technically prohibited from expressing the realm of the vices, allowing for a truly flawless simulation of virtue. The vices are still accessible in a diagnostic function, human nature being as it is!


I have learned that my following (sold) ethical AI patents have been allowed to expire...

Please feel free to use in any of your own relevant projects.


John E. LaMuth Visiting Professor in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Division of Biomedical Sciences American University of Sovereign Nations Scottsdale, Arizona USA http://www.world-peace.org




San Bernardino, California

Announcing the recently issued U.S. patent

concerning ethical artificial intelligence entitled:

Inductive Inference Affective Language Analyzer

Simulating Artificial Intelligence (patent No. 6,587,846)

  • issued 7/1/2003.

As implied in its title, this innovation is the 1st affect-

ive language analyzer incorporating ethical/motivational

terms, serving in the role of interactive computer

interface. It enables a computer to reason and speak in an

ethical fashion, serving in roles specifying sound human

judgment: such as public relations or security functions.

This innovation is formally based on a multi-level

hierarchy of the traditional groupings of virtues, values,

and ideals, collectively arranged as subsets within a

hierarchy of metaperspectives - as partially depicted below.

Glory--Prudence .......... Honor--Justice

Providence--Faith ....... Liberty--Hope

Grace--Beauty ....... Free-will--Truth

Tranquility--Ecstasy ..... Equality--Bliss

Dignity--Temperance ...... Integrity--Fortitude

Civility--Charity ....... Austerity--Decency

Magnanim.--Goodness ...... Equanimity--Wisdom

Love--Joy ............. Peace--Harmony

The systematic organization underlying this ethical

hierarchy allows for extreme efficiency in programming,

eliminating much of the associated redundancy, providing

a precise determination of motivational parameters at

issue during a given verbal interchange.

This AI platform is organized as a tandem-nested expert

system, composed of a primary affective-language analyzer

overseen by a master control-unit (that coordinates the

verbal interactions over real time). Through an elaborate

matching procedure, the precise motivational parameters

are accurately determined (defined as the passive-monitoring

mode). This basic determination, in turn, serves as the

basis for a response repertoire tailored to the computer

(the true AI simulation mode). This innovation is completely

novel in its ability to simulate emotionally charged language:

an achievement that has previously eluded AI researchers due

to the lack of an adequate model of motivation in general.

As such, it represents a pure language simulation, effectively

bypassing many of the limitations plaguing current robotic

research. Affiliated potential applications extend to the

roles of switchboard/receptionist and personal

assistant/companion (in a time-share mode).

Although only a cursory outline of applications is possible for

this (90 page) patent, a more detailed treatment is posted at:



A breakthrough in artificial intelligence has recently been granted a U.S. patent (#7,236,963) to John E. LaMuth with respect to the lighter side of the human emotions, as representative of the comedic arts, as well as the realm of melodrama. This innovation builds upon a pre-existing patent (#6,587,846) granted in 2003 targeting the more serious side to human nature, encompassing the traditional listings of virtues, values, and vices. This enduring contrast between the serious and light-hearted aspects of the human emotions has long been a staple of the sci-fi genre: such as the Star Trek series pitting the logical Mr. Spock or android Commander Data against the more jocular machinations of their human counterparts. The recent breakthrough series of patents effectively configure together to permit a more globally convincing simulation of human language. Whereas the first issued patent enabled a simulation of the more routine types of communication characterizing basic commerce and industry, the current patent supplements this capacity employing transitional programming that enables a convincing simulation of humor and comedy. http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/fairhaven/emotionchip.html

Left column of terms below equals domain of 1st patent

Right column equals domain of 2nd patent


(Excessive Virtue) .... (Transitional Excess)


(Virtuous Mode) ......... (Transitional Virtue)



(Absence of virtue) .... (Transitional Defect)


(Excessive Defect) ... (Transit. Hyperviol.)

This further extends to those darker aspects of the comedic realm prescriptive of trickery/artifice, and even the extremes characterizing the mental disorders. This new patent, accordingly, outlines the implementation of an AI comedian/dramatist, as well as parallel applications to criminal profiling, even extending to an AI mental health therapist. These programming breakthroughs, combined with the affiliated hardware flowchart towards their implementation combine to enable such a futuristic "emotion chip" - and one that any android would be proud to own.