A lot of people have said sharing these notes were helpful, so sharing it here on the EAF! Here are notes on NTI | bio’s recent event with Dr. Lu Borio on H5N1 Bird Flu, in case anyone here would find it helpful!
Thanks for making this, Willem and David! Really interesting. After seeing the IRI statements and then the mean scores, it didn't initially look low to me, but when compared to the average IRI scores across the years, that's certainly a difference! It made me a little sad actually. I wonder what it might look like at present. There's a part of me that feels it can look similar still, despite the changes in the EA community. Also, while it might be relatively low-priority I for one would personally be fascinated/excited to see this being done again!
(Not an AI welfare/safety expert by any stretch, just adding my two cents here! Also I was very piqued by the banner and loved hovering over the footnote! I've thought about digital sentience, but this banner and this week really put me into a "hmm..." state)
My view leans towards "moderately disagree." (I fluctuated between this, neutral, and slightly agree.) For context, when it's AI safety, I'd say "highly agree." Thoughts behind my current position:
Why I'd prioritize it less:
Why I'd still prioritize it:
Overall, I agree that resources and talent should be allocated to AI welfare because it's prudent and can prevent future suffering. However, I moderately disagree with it being an EA priority due to its current speculative nature and how I think AI safety. I think AI safety and solving the alignment problem should be a priority, especially in these next few years, though, and hold some confidence in preventing digital suffering.
Other thoughts:
Proud of you! Great job on this whole post!