
2 karmaJoined


But isn't a total lack of formal education a barrier to many jobs and to a high salary?

What about the impact of bioinformatics on society? How much good could a person do in research focused on bioinformatics?

Hi, Ben. :)

What about Bioinformatics?

  • Living in Portugal, but I have no problem in going to other coutries
  • I just finished by Biology's bachelor's degree.
  • I'm good at maths, logic and programming. Haskell, Matlab and I'm doing the The Odin Project course.
  • Would like to earn to give

I think something informatics-related would be a good carrer for me. Since I have no formal education on informatics but have a Biology's degree I'm thinking about doing a Masters on Bioinformatics. But I'm afraid that after finishing it I could only get a job with no great impact on society and with not-so-good earnings, compared with other informatics related jobs.

  • How much positive impact does bioinformatic's research has on the world?
  • Would the Masters raise the chances of getting a really well paid job, to do 'earning to give', compared with just getting a informatics job after doing self-learning? The Masters is two-years long and costs about 1000 €/year.
