Before joining 80,000 Hours, Matt was a legislative staffer on the National Security Committee in Canada. He previously managed a Member of Parliament's legislative office, worked as a policy analyst and grantmaker in the civil service, and pursued a master's in political science. Matt is now based in Washington, DC.
Interesting post! Smil is great on this. His (poorly named) book How The World Really Works is excellent and has a chapter on fertilizers.
I've done some research on sustainable transitions in the concrete industry, which is another high capital expenditure/low margin product that requires innovation. It contributes ~4-8% to global CO2 emissions and is expected to rise. I wouldn't say concrete is as important for wellbeing as fertilizer, but it follows the same pattern that the developing world needs green innovations, not de-growth.
I'm skeptical that direct investments in fertilizer or R&D would meet GiveWell's 10x cash transfers threshold, at least in the short/medium term. For the fertilizer itself, it might be cheaper to subsidize imports of food from more productive regions. For R&D, cleantech breakthroughs typically start in university or private research labs, requiring significant investment without guaranteed returns. One approach might be to follow the Good Food Institute's model of $ spent persuading governments to unlock $$$ at the scale required for these problems. (Exciting to note that alternative proteins are also a high capital expenditure/low margin product which requires innovation to overcome climate barriers. I think this is a common pattern policymakers should be more aware of, trying to get the same learning-curve benefits solar had). Low emission concrete is often held back by regulatory barriers, I wonder if the same is true for fertilizer?
Lastly, I'm not sure how neglected this is in the overall development/climate space. You describe a bunch of ongoing research and investment- what is the marginal benefit of the next EA dollar compared to other causes? I'd be interested to hear more about that aspect of the problem!
Congrats on admission to Carleton! I'm finishing my MA in political science there this summer. We'd be happy to have you in the EA Carleton Discord if you haven't joined yet :) I'm not aware of any specific internships, but I can connect you with some people who might be. Feel free to reach out!
If it passes, Canada's proposed AI and Data Act (part of Bill C-27) will almost certainly involve hiring new employees at Innovation Canada. ISED also has staff working to support the AI startup ecosystem in Canada. Effective Altruism Canada is building momentum, and I know AI Governance and Safety (AIGS) Canada is working on advocacy.
This is really cool! I’ve found Policy Engine’s tax calculator so useful for our personal household income, glad this specific calculator exists now