Milan Griffes

Principal @ Lionheart Ventures


I’m interested in frontier approaches to understanding & scaling (human) awakening, sentient flourishing, and aligning powerful AI systems. 


Topic contributions

i was referring to the big growth in MAUs that started before July 2022 and peaked before January 2023.

why did MAUs spike in Q2 2022? something around FTX?

relatedly how paths towards realizing the Long Reflection are most likely totalitarian

Peter Thiel touches on this point in a recent interview where he argues against Bostrom's vulnerable world hypothesis. 

Positive knock-on effects from funding animal welfare are likely far greater than from funding global health on the present margin. 

There's a new paper on jhana (in Cerebral Cortex) out of Matthew Sacchet's Harvard Center: Fu Zun Yang et al. 2023 

Got it, thanks. I'm interested in the cattle analysis because cows yield ~4x more meat than pigs per slaughter, and could perform even better than that when factoring in cognition. 

This is beautiful, thank you for creating it. 

Did you look at cows as part of the analysis? 

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