I lead the DeepMind mechanistic interpretability team
Interesting idea!
I recommend a different name, when I saw this I assumed it was about pledging around left wing causes
I feel like the spirit of the pledge would be to increase the 10% part with inflation? If you get a pay raise in line with inflation it seems silly to have to give half of that, since your real take home pay is unchanged. Even the further pledge is inflation linked
I feel pretty ok with a very mild and bounded commitment? Especially with an awareness that forcing yourself to be miserable is rarely the way to be just effective yourself. I think it's pretty valid for someone's college age self to say that impact does matter to them, and they do care about this, and don't want to totally forget about it even if it becomes inconvenient, so long as they avoid ways this is psychological even by light of those values
I personally think it's quite bad to try to get people to sign a lifetime giving pledge before they've ever had a real job, and think this is overemphasized in EA.
I think it's much better to eg make a pledge for the next 1-5 years, or the first year of your career, or something, and re-evaluate at the end of that, which I think mitigates some of your concerns