Nicholas Decker

Economist @ George Mason University
55 karmaJoined Pursuing a doctoral degree (e.g. PhD)


I feel like a real economist now — I’ve got my first referee report to read the prior literature :)

My gut feeling is that it will increase, because it might lead to an increase in lifespan. That’s so far beyond what we can do now that I think marginal utility goes up.

I don’t see why Effective Altruism is responsible for not detecting fraud at a company before the market writ large did. If those warnings had been so clear and obvious, I would have suggested you invest in FTX’s competitors and bring their malfeasance to light. Otherwise, it is carping after the fact.

I am gay. At this point it’s a term of endearment. If someone called me a fag in an unfriendly way I’d just be a bit baffled. Of course, this is just me.