
9 karmaJoined


I don't know what you mean by "through ETG".

I estimate that I could get a salary+bonus of roughly $250K with a few months of searching at the moment. And by estimate, I mean that I literally turned down a job for that amount of money.

I really should have just said that up front instead of being coy.

I am nowhere near $400,000.

I should probably have been more precise. I am single, and among single earners, I am at about the 98th percentile and have had job offers above the 99th percentile. However, I am somewhere around the 94th percentile of household incomes, where the 99th percentile is around $400,000.

Is there a specific income line above which I should strongly favor earning to give over other venues of altruism? I am personally within shouting distance of being a 1%er and wondering whether I should work harder at getting above that line.

By time preference you mean Friedman style lifetime consumption smoothing??

No, not really. I mean "give now or give later", which doesn't seem significantly related to consumption smoothing. Is there a connection between EA and consumption smoothing that I've missed?

I'm trying to decide on a time preference to use to guide my charitable giving (currently for tax optimization reasons, but that's not the only time-amount tradeoff I can imagine facing). Can anyone point me to useful discussion that might help me work out a time preference function?