I’ve been a high school teacher and a signed touring and recording musician. I’m a mom of three, a Maker, a shepherd, a DIY autodidact early adopter, Open Source lover, currently run a Drupal WebOps shop and a sheep farm. Always learning!
Big Wool, big Drupal projects, Wool DAO
Wool, sheep, WWOOFing, community, activism
Not sure if my project ideas are “big” enough, but it relates to supporting food security in Washington State, and there are actually two related projects. I put together two project proposals for a recent government grant for which there were only $17 million in funds available, and over 700(!) applications were submitted within the 30-day application window. One of the projects was rejected for lack of special govt-required license (since rectified); the other because it was mission-adjacent but not 100% on their target. Neither project may seem very sexy from a “big idea” perspective, but I assure you they both address critical needs to farmers on the ground here in Washington State. They both involve helping to expand existing businesses to serve farm markets.