nitpick: you say open source which implies I can read it and rebuild it on my machine. I can't really "read" the weights in this way, I can run it on my machine but I can't compile it without a berjillion chips. "open weight" is the preferred nomenclature, it fits the situation better.
(epistemic status: a pedantry battle, but this ship has sailed as I can see other commenters are saying open source rather than open weight).
It's important to consider adverse selection. People who get hounded out of everywhere else are inexplicably* invited to a forecasting conference, of course they come! they have nowhere else to go!
* inexplicably, in the sense that a forecasting conference is inviting people specialized in demographics and genetics-- it's a little related, but not that related.
3 year update: I consider this 2 year update to be a truncated version of the post, but it's actually too punchy and even superficial.
My opinion lately / these days is too confused and nuanced to write about.
thanks for the writeup! I had a ton of similar feelings for a while, mixing between finding people who say "it's not worth defending it's just a meme" and "actually I'll defend using something like this".
At one point I was discussing this issue with Rob Miles at manifest, who told me something like "the default is a bool (some two valued variable)", the idea being that if people are arguing over an interval then we could've done way worse.
I love these kinds of questions! I attempted a roundup here but it never really caught on