Random Ambles

3 karmaJoined


Please forgive my colleague's brio

A lot of these ideas may seem to

Show a lot of quants and weirdos

Who are rather lost in math (with lots of zeroes!)


But take it back to foremost principles

Do we know what a person is, you know?

Consider small and distant minds

Both in spacetime an' individuals


Accelerate and tesselate

Or end all races' genetic fate

Both seem in expected case

A little bit meth-headed, ay'?


But common sense has lost its head - it's almost dead

And often tends to problems when

Denial bent and bias-ed 

To Universal Darwin ends


Not so good for long-end bets

...Or altruists


We're selfish gene machines and see

We block our ears from hearing people's screams

Going by at streaming speeds through teeming farming factories

It's sad to see


Market forces aren't so awesome

When they don't consider loss to

Common lots and logs  and oughts-to's 

To those who mostly bear the costs of



So let's super-cooperate and opt to stay

On top of all things tossed our way

Awesome, great - but how do we best operate?

(Vinding's sure got lots to say...)


But I've run long

So to all good-bye

I'm off to shut-up

And multiply!