
9 karmaJoined


Thanks for the reply.

One of the issue I had with the term minimalist is that it has another meaning. But as you said "the descriptor 'minimalist' can refer to minimalism regarding how many fundamental assumptions a theory requires", so basically the other meaning actually applies.


I should add that we ultimately decided to reduce the emphasis on value commensurability in this book, because the value commensurability argument for minimalist views was not so centrally relevant here, wasn't laid out in sufficient detail yet, and might work better as its own separate argument at some point. But the book still refers to it in a few places.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean in this paragraph.


And I agree that the word 'minimizing' might be easily associated with typical consequentialism thinking so it might indeed not be the best.

The term “minimalist axiologies” specifically refers to minimalist views of value: views that essentially say “the less this, the better”.

I wonder, why did you go for the term "minimalist"?
Wouldn't "minimizing axiologies" work better?

So instead of just asking his gut how much he cares [...], he shuts up and multiplies.

I like this sentence.

I think advocating for veganism is utilitarian when you write a book that's going to be read by many