@Seth Ariel Green - thanks a lot for the helpful overview of this research! Do you know if any research has started by selecting the group of people who are reducing / eliminating meat from their diets and then analysing what it is that might have caused them to change behaviour?
E.g., I could imagine a study that selects Wallmart customers based on a decline in their meat purchases in their customer loyalty account, and then tests some hypothesis of change.
Curious if this is a viable path to get insights (I'm not a social scientist), or perhaps if you know of something similar :)
@Seth Ariel Green - thanks a lot for the helpful overview of this research! Do you know if any research has started by selecting the group of people who are reducing / eliminating meat from their diets and then analysing what it is that might have caused them to change behaviour?
E.g., I could imagine a study that selects Wallmart customers based on a decline in their meat purchases in their customer loyalty account, and then tests some hypothesis of change.
Curious if this is a viable path to get insights (I'm not a social scientist), or perhaps if you know of something similar :)