
10 karmaJoined


I might be way off here, but if so then please help me understand.

I dont think timunderwood was suspicious about the claim that racism is bad. It  seems they explicitly said they believe racism is bad.

If it was true that there is some genetic component to the iq gap, what would happen? Would the universe be racist?

I dont know what the cause of the iq gap is. I think that there is >1% chance that genetics play some role. I dont think that is racists. I dont want any black people to suffer because of that. I hope that we can improve the lives of all sentient beings, including people of all skin colours.

Is the issue simply that we dont agree what racism means?

I did not downvote any comments, but I am confused by some of the claims.

How is it pseudoscience to say that one is unsure about a topic? How is it hurtful to black people to say this? I do not mean any offense with these questions.

I do understand how it is hurtful to use slurs and I think Bostrom was wrong to do so in the original email, even in context.